THU 20 - SAT 22 FEB, 6 -10PM FREE

Volunteer Opportunities
The 2018 Festival volunteer stewards were invaluable and really added to the visitors’ experience by engaging with them, helping with directions and providing information about the light art works.
Audience members sent in feedback with comments such as ‘I just wanted to say that my wife and I popped along Friday evening to the festival and thought it was fantastic.
It was brilliant to see so many people milling around in what is usually a quiet part of Poole on a Friday night. The staff were absolutely brilliant and super friendly and the exhibitions were brilliant’. Tom Audience Member, Survey.

We’ve taken account of the volunteers feedback for 2019. Here are a few comments from them;
‘Thank you so much for the opportunity to support the event – can’t wait for next year!’
‘My congratulations to you for really excellent organisation.’
‘Thanks for letting us volunteer, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the artwork displayed.’
Volunteering with Light Up Poole is a great way to gain experience in working on large-scale arts events in your community, learn new skills, and make new friends.
Frequency – Stewards are needed over three evening sessions. Volunteers would preferably do all the sessions but fewer would also be possible providing new volunteers attend an earlier briefing at 17:00 on their first evening if that is a Friday or Saturday.
When required – Thursday 21 February 2019 to Saturday 23 February 2019 17:00/17:30h start to 21:00h finish
Special Requirements (e.g. waterproofs, lunch, safety boots)
Warm waterproof clothing, hats, gloves, scarfs and appropriate footwear for walking and weather on these February days. A torch and phone would also be helpful. Some stewards will need to use radios to maintain contact with event staff so radio experience is helpful although not essential.
Skills/Qualifications/Experience (required or helpful)
Helpful to have some arts event experience, good with the public (including those with mobility needs and /or disabilities) with a calm and helpful manner. Enthusiasm for public engagement in the arts and knowing the streets of Poole Town centre and Old Quay is desirable. The Festival curator can brief all volunteers on the artistic content and each piece will have a written explanation beside it about the artistic idea.
Deadline for application: Monday 4 February 2019, 0900hrs.
Budget: travel expenses paid, Drink, Soup and bread roll will be provided to each volunteer.
Contact: Elaine – participate@lightuppoole.co.uk