
THU 20 - SAT 22 FEB, 6 -10PM FREE


AUB BA (Hons) Architecture and AUB BA (Hons) Animation Production

Venue: Lighthouse

Artist: Channa Vithana, Senior Lecturer, AUB BA (Hons) Architecture & Mark Collington, Senior Lecturer, AUB BA (Hons) Animation Production

Team members: AUB Third Year Architecture and Second Year Animation Production Students

During a recent meeting with BCP Council on high street restoration, a suggestion was made in reference to No. 58 Poole High Street as benefitting from artwork on its side wall. Discussions centred around reconnecting some of Poole’s historic past and craft-culture using artwork onto No. 58 and Poole Pottery, formerly a world-famous brand, was chosen as an example. A collaboration with AUB Architecture and Animation Production students and staff yields short animations projection mapped onto a scale model of No. 58 High Street that explore spectrums of Poole’s past into the present. The animations visualise Poole Pottery through imagery of ceramics & crockery and a character from the town’s past called ‘Granny Cousins’, a ‘knocker-upper’ from Poole who had the task of waking workers in the early hours of the morning. This is a research project that both courses hope to develop into full-size projection mapping in the future.