HORIZON by Ross Ashton and Karen Monid from the Projection Studio
Location: outside St James’s Church
‘Horizon’ is the journey of humankind, discovering our place through what we see, and how that view has changed through time as we go beyond the limit of our horizon. With mathematics as the core structure and language of the universe, ‘Horizon’ suggests how its voice has been heard & interpreted through the tides of time. Beginning with the scientific teachings of the English 13th century polymath Robert Grosseteste and journeying to 21st century imagery from the Jet Propulsion Laboratories at NASA, we see how our knowledge is shaped by the horizon of our viewpoint, by what is visible and invisible to us, and how we still seek answers from where we stand on how we should live.
This co-commission was created by Ross Ashton and Karen Monid of the Projection Studio, with scientists from NASA and Ordered Universe team members, for its world premiere at Napa Lighted Art Festival and European premiere at Light Up Poole.
Website: www.theprojectionstudio.com / www.karenmonid.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theprojectionstudio/
Twitter: @projstudio @karenmonid
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/rossashton